Cutting those friendships that stunt your growth

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‘People are like dirt. They can either nourish you and help you grow as a person or they can stunt your growth and make you wilt and die.’ – Plato

Now this quote by the wonderful philosopher Plato may seem kind of harsh, but if you think of it a little less literally, you can see the truth in it.

Don’t write me off just yet okay?…

Being around negative people does have an impact on your life, and can influence your growth & journey on a personal level. The people we surround ourselves with, whether we are super aware of it or not, have an influence on the way in which we conduct ourselves and plan our lives. For example, if you have a partner who doesn’t enjoy social occasions as much as you do, you might find yourself staying in a lot more than you normally would. Now, I’m not saying this person is toxic and should be cut from your life immediately – but there are some people in your who are changing the way you live your life without you even being aware of it.

The first step involves you taking a look at the people in your life and assessing the kind of impact they are having on you. Are they helping you grow? Are they supporting your goals and dreams? Or do they drain you of your positive energy?

Throughout the last 6 years, I’ve made and lost friends. Not because we fell out, but because our energies no longer flowed in the same direction. And that’s FINE. There’s nothing wrong with letting go of people in your life who don’t bring positivity into it. The reality is that you cannot cut yourself off from everyone who makes you feel bad from time to time, BUT it is to important to take a step back and evaluate exactly who could be stunting your growth and why…
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